Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Paying for Braces

You don’t have to tell me that braces are expensive! But braces are always worth the expense. Unfortunately some people think they can’t afford them, but let me tell you this: My family wasn’t able to afford braces when I was growing up, so when I went to college I decided to go out and get them myself. I was a sophomore in college and low on cash, but I knew that for me, for my life, I needed those braces for a better smile. I wanted to work in a professional environment and I had to face facts that, professionally speaking, my teeth were holding me back.

I scheduled a consultation with a recommended orthodontist in my area, Dr. Timothy McReath. Dr. McReath sat down with me and explained the new and advanced technology of the Damon System. Needless to say, I was sold. My grandmother brought me to my appointment and the process of getting the braces placed on my teeth went by without a hitch. So quick, too! I was surprised. I was able to pay Dr. McReath in monthly installments without interest. Once in a while I was a little short and the wonderful ladies at the office would allot me a few more days. Everyone treated me so well.

Damon’s doctors really are a cut about the rest and, like I said, worth every penny—even if it may be a lot of pennies. But those pennies gave me a smile that’s priceless!

1 comment:

lifes2short said...

Jen, great to hear you had Damon braces and gained your confidence. I too, wear Damon braces and mine comes off for good next month. I'll be smiling away from ear-to-ear for my 49th birthday coming up August 1st. You're never too old to make a positive life change and never too broke to make excuses as most orthodontics will do the affordable long-term payment plan. It's worth every cent and it's changed me for the best!!!

lifes2short in Reno, NV

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