Friday, February 22, 2008

My New Apartment

Finally two feet on the ground. Since moving to New York I’ve been hopping. Really, on one leg. New York is a city every person must visit but you better be looking or ready for a challenge if you plan to move here yourself. But, yes, do it!

My neighborhood is called the Lower East Side and I love it. I know the Deli guy I know the homeless man on the corner (name with-held) and I know where to get a cheap and good cup of coffee.

Once both my feet found the ground I noticed things around start to come together too. I mean, there was a moment, I considered giving up the hunt for an apartment, roommate, job, etc. And without getting into too many details I’ll tell you I had due cause to feel this way. Buuut, I have to be honest, I knew it would take much more to keep from New York.

My roommate, Shana, and I met five years ago in college. We both went to Lasell College in 2003 and lived across the hall. After that year, however I moved back to Wisconsin (for various reasons) and we remained friends. Five years later we’re hauling a bookcase up a fifth floor walk-up with smiles on our faces. It’s great.

I heard a lot of different things about the city before the big move. One was that it would be most easy to find a job and the hardest to find an apartment. Well, both can be difficult. New York in my mind is a unique place, because unlike any other city, I’m able to audition, write, and apply for magazine positions, freelance, and work part-time as bartender. I really believe this is the time for me to figure “it” out. I’m trying a lot of different things but also learning what I want to do and what doesn’t interest me.

The worst feeling is forgetting about Dreams/goals. It can happen when things get chaotic, and for anyone who feels that, round those dreams back up. Okay enough of that.


P.S. I did some karaoke last night… Bette Davis Eyes. Brought the house down. Ha. Surrrrre.

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