Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thankful you are here!

Hey there! Thanks for checkin’ out my blog. There are many words to be read out there in the blog-o-sphere so I appreciate the visit.

Would you agree we live in a interesting time? A lot is happening, and a lot is changing...all at a pace unlike any other in history. We have unlimited resources at our finger tips, (Internet and web networks) and for the past two years I have begun to really tap into those resources of which have, thankfully, broaden my horizons.

I have met many interesting young women, (maybe you who is reading this!) and through these new friendships I have learned that so many of us go thru the same things, good and bad. When people connect like that, and share, I think good things happen.

For example. After I won Miss Seventeen a lot of young people with parents incarcerated got in touch with me via MySpace or Facebook. It was wonderful and sad all at the same time. The stigma attached to the families of incarcerated peoples is unjust. A lot of kids feel the heat of their parents or siblings mistakes and I think because I came forward with my situation, more doorways of expectance opened.

And its the same for my braces. Of course, not exactly the same, but you get the idea. I believe that if you can expect something that has or is happening to you, for what it is, good or bad, then you can grow from it and it will shape your character.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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