Friday, November 16, 2007

Fashion and Braces??

I was twenty when I dove head first into the braces experience, looking to change my smile, my mouth and my perspective.

Initially I pictured a much rougher image of myself with braces. You know, Jan Brady, brace face, metal mouth, the story goes on. We've all heard it, and certainly we've all seen it. On third graders braces are cute... but the question I faced was how to make these babies work for me.

I spent my sophomore and junior years of college with an extra set of bling, and that's the way I decided to look at my braces. I mean... What's a girl to do? To me the solution was simple.
Accessorize! Braces can double as accessories if you just go with it. I went out and bought a little silver handbag, pulled out my grandmother’s old strings of costume diamond necklaces and bracelettes and it was fun. We can make it work, you know? Braces are like fashion statements to me.

And speaking of fashion! I got to go to NY Fashion Week this year! Weeeee. Lots going on, and busy people everywhere. You wouldn't know how much work goes into fashion week until you've seen a bit of the behind the scenes action. For example, my good friend was interning at an amazing (of which I will not disclose) design house… and tonight she was told to sew 100 sand bags by tomorrow. I mean, this is serious business! She loves it too and she would sew 1000 if they asked. Once Fashion snags you, you’re stuck.

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