Monday, November 5, 2007

Smile Power

There is nothing that exudes confidence like a big, bright and bold smile. While I wasn’t reluctant to smile before my braces or even when I was in Damon treatment, (after all they weren’t Jan Brady size!) I am now not only happy but proud to smile.

I feel that my smile reflects the person who I am. Although the rest of me isn’t perfect—which I am thankful for—my smile helps convey the affect I want to make on others. I walk away from first encounters feeling good about introducing myself and no longer having to think, “What are they thinking about my crooked teeth?”

People are no longer distracted by my gap or 90-degree angle tooth (yup, you read right, 90-degree angle tooth). I can shake hands with new people, projecting poise and confidence. It’s great, and I am proud of how far I have come, smile-wise and personally.

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