Friday, October 12, 2007

A Positive Change

If people tell you you aren't good enough, beautiful enough, smart enough or strong enough, do not let that sink in. Let it float to the bottom of your roots and fuel your fire.

I want to share a little something with you. You can take this story and decide for yourself what is the lesson learned.

I was seventeen years old, in high school, loving it. A few of my friends wanted to go to Madison because they heard modeling scouts were having an open call for talent. Needless to say, we were interested. I mean, come on, how many of you at point wanted to be the girl in the photo cheesing out for the camera? Raise your hands.

So anyway, we piled into two cars and headed for the Capitol. Mad town, as we referred to it, and still do. Once we arrived we checked our hair, shared lip gloss and walked in with semi-confident steps. I sat in the middle of two close friends as we watched the people line up. In line once you got to the front you had to smile at the agent, give them your name and say one thing that was interesting about yourself.

Well, the name and interesting tidbit part was easy, and although back then I had no prob smiling at anyone, once I did, I could see her grimace (but only slightly) I sat back down between my friends and smiled with my mouth closed.

The agent then said she would read off a list of names and if your name wasn't called then you could stay. My name was the third to be called. I had to leave, my friends stayed on.

I walked outside and around the Capitol square for close to two hours. I felt pretty awful to say the least. It was a cold night too, but to me it made the sting all the more bitter sweet. How was it sweet? I knew at that moment I was going to fix my teeth so that no one could get a chance to judge who I was based on that first impression. I wanted to get to professional places, and still do. That night I realized I had take the first step and promise myself I would get braces once I could afford it.

It wasn't about being a model, it wasn't because my friends were beautiful, I felt compelled to make a positive change...for me.

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