Friday, February 22, 2008

My New Apartment

Finally two feet on the ground. Since moving to New York I’ve been hopping. Really, on one leg. New York is a city every person must visit but you better be looking or ready for a challenge if you plan to move here yourself. But, yes, do it!

My neighborhood is called the Lower East Side and I love it. I know the Deli guy I know the homeless man on the corner (name with-held) and I know where to get a cheap and good cup of coffee.

Once both my feet found the ground I noticed things around start to come together too. I mean, there was a moment, I considered giving up the hunt for an apartment, roommate, job, etc. And without getting into too many details I’ll tell you I had due cause to feel this way. Buuut, I have to be honest, I knew it would take much more to keep from New York.

My roommate, Shana, and I met five years ago in college. We both went to Lasell College in 2003 and lived across the hall. After that year, however I moved back to Wisconsin (for various reasons) and we remained friends. Five years later we’re hauling a bookcase up a fifth floor walk-up with smiles on our faces. It’s great.

I heard a lot of different things about the city before the big move. One was that it would be most easy to find a job and the hardest to find an apartment. Well, both can be difficult. New York in my mind is a unique place, because unlike any other city, I’m able to audition, write, and apply for magazine positions, freelance, and work part-time as bartender. I really believe this is the time for me to figure “it” out. I’m trying a lot of different things but also learning what I want to do and what doesn’t interest me.

The worst feeling is forgetting about Dreams/goals. It can happen when things get chaotic, and for anyone who feels that, round those dreams back up. Okay enough of that.


P.S. I did some karaoke last night… Bette Davis Eyes. Brought the house down. Ha. Surrrrre.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Paying for Braces

You don’t have to tell me that braces are expensive! But braces are always worth the expense. Unfortunately some people think they can’t afford them, but let me tell you this: My family wasn’t able to afford braces when I was growing up, so when I went to college I decided to go out and get them myself. I was a sophomore in college and low on cash, but I knew that for me, for my life, I needed those braces for a better smile. I wanted to work in a professional environment and I had to face facts that, professionally speaking, my teeth were holding me back.

I scheduled a consultation with a recommended orthodontist in my area, Dr. Timothy McReath. Dr. McReath sat down with me and explained the new and advanced technology of the Damon System. Needless to say, I was sold. My grandmother brought me to my appointment and the process of getting the braces placed on my teeth went by without a hitch. So quick, too! I was surprised. I was able to pay Dr. McReath in monthly installments without interest. Once in a while I was a little short and the wonderful ladies at the office would allot me a few more days. Everyone treated me so well.

Damon’s doctors really are a cut about the rest and, like I said, worth every penny—even if it may be a lot of pennies. But those pennies gave me a smile that’s priceless!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thankful you are here!

Hey there! Thanks for checkin’ out my blog. There are many words to be read out there in the blog-o-sphere so I appreciate the visit.

Would you agree we live in a interesting time? A lot is happening, and a lot is changing...all at a pace unlike any other in history. We have unlimited resources at our finger tips, (Internet and web networks) and for the past two years I have begun to really tap into those resources of which have, thankfully, broaden my horizons.

I have met many interesting young women, (maybe you who is reading this!) and through these new friendships I have learned that so many of us go thru the same things, good and bad. When people connect like that, and share, I think good things happen.

For example. After I won Miss Seventeen a lot of young people with parents incarcerated got in touch with me via MySpace or Facebook. It was wonderful and sad all at the same time. The stigma attached to the families of incarcerated peoples is unjust. A lot of kids feel the heat of their parents or siblings mistakes and I think because I came forward with my situation, more doorways of expectance opened.

And its the same for my braces. Of course, not exactly the same, but you get the idea. I believe that if you can expect something that has or is happening to you, for what it is, good or bad, then you can grow from it and it will shape your character.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Fashion and Braces??

I was twenty when I dove head first into the braces experience, looking to change my smile, my mouth and my perspective.

Initially I pictured a much rougher image of myself with braces. You know, Jan Brady, brace face, metal mouth, the story goes on. We've all heard it, and certainly we've all seen it. On third graders braces are cute... but the question I faced was how to make these babies work for me.

I spent my sophomore and junior years of college with an extra set of bling, and that's the way I decided to look at my braces. I mean... What's a girl to do? To me the solution was simple.
Accessorize! Braces can double as accessories if you just go with it. I went out and bought a little silver handbag, pulled out my grandmother’s old strings of costume diamond necklaces and bracelettes and it was fun. We can make it work, you know? Braces are like fashion statements to me.

And speaking of fashion! I got to go to NY Fashion Week this year! Weeeee. Lots going on, and busy people everywhere. You wouldn't know how much work goes into fashion week until you've seen a bit of the behind the scenes action. For example, my good friend was interning at an amazing (of which I will not disclose) design house… and tonight she was told to sew 100 sand bags by tomorrow. I mean, this is serious business! She loves it too and she would sew 1000 if they asked. Once Fashion snags you, you’re stuck.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Smile Power

There is nothing that exudes confidence like a big, bright and bold smile. While I wasn’t reluctant to smile before my braces or even when I was in Damon treatment, (after all they weren’t Jan Brady size!) I am now not only happy but proud to smile.

I feel that my smile reflects the person who I am. Although the rest of me isn’t perfect—which I am thankful for—my smile helps convey the affect I want to make on others. I walk away from first encounters feeling good about introducing myself and no longer having to think, “What are they thinking about my crooked teeth?”

People are no longer distracted by my gap or 90-degree angle tooth (yup, you read right, 90-degree angle tooth). I can shake hands with new people, projecting poise and confidence. It’s great, and I am proud of how far I have come, smile-wise and personally.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Here's something to think about. What holds you back from making a big decision? In my life fear was always staring me down, and someone somewhere was saying, "No, you can't" Oh boo hoo Jen, you may say, but I know you've heard this too, and no matter what I am telling you, don't let it break you.

Instead yell back (inadvertently) and say, "Oh, yes, I CAN." We've been underestimated in our days, we women, young and old, and will be continually underestimated, but it's okay, because let other assumptions of your strength, our strength becomes fuel for the fire.

So this may seem a bit abstract for a braces spokesperson to be blogging about, but this is a huge fraction of my personal mantra. Bottom line, feel free to do, what is you want to do and its okay to be a little afraid because that feeling can push you forward if you allow it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My Hollywood Photo Shoot!

I don’t mind taking photos anymore. Sure, in high school and college, I smiled…sometimes, but more often than not, I kept my lips sealed. It wasn’t fun. I had a gap and a very crooked side tooth. Don’t get me wrong, I still smiled and I was a happy person, but every time my friends and I would get together the first thing I would notice about the picture was that my confidence was slightly lacking. This was because I felt like I had to hide my smile, in turn hide who I was.

I think our smiles -- similar to our eyes -- are a reflection of what we are, where we’ve been, and how we view the world. I wanted my smile to be the best it could be so when people looked at me they could look behind the superficial and see me.

Finally at 20 years old I went and got braces, the high tech Damon System braces to be specific. I could afford them for myself at this time and I knew if I did it then, by the time I graduated they would be off and I could take on the world with a fiercely bold and beautiful grin.

So now the braces are off and very recently I experienced my first photo shoot since their removal!
The photo shoot was arranged by the company that makes the Damon System as part of an effort to promote the benefits of braces to people who want a broad, beautiful smile.

The Damon System people flew me to LA and set me up in a great hotel, pretty fab considering living in New York and starting a new life isn’t exactly champagne and caviar.

The photo shoot was a breeze… we all worked very well together (many people work on one shoot, it’s surprising considering it’s all just for one pretty picture) and I hear they got some great shots.

For about 5-6 hours we did photos. Then for the next hour or so we did a video that gave me the opportunity to discuss what the Damon System has done for me and what I know it can do for anyone else who wants the confidence that only a beautiful smile can give!

Thanks for stopping by!

PS - check out the cool behind the scenes video!

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